
var autoS = require('auto-json-schema') var tedious = { required: ['uid'], type: 'object', properties: { user: { type: 'object', properties: { age: { minimum:18, type: 'number' }, uid: { pattern: '[a-z]{4}', type: 'string' } } } }, $schema: 'http://json-schema.org/schema#' } var easier = autoS({ user: { age: autoS(0, { minimum:18 }), uid: autoS('', { pattern:'[a-z]{4}' }) } }, { required: ['uid'] }) //same result as tedious

water and allow 24 hours to dry, paying extra attention to door seals and wheel arches. Do not wax the vehicle.

Select an indoor place with electric supply is recommended.
Remove existing sticker if any.
removing glue stains of the the mounting surface.

For enquiry, please call ourcustomer service hotline at:


YR Car Wrap - Aircraft, boat wraps, bus wraps, car, clear bra, color change, camo wraps, camouflage wraps, fleet vehicle, food truck wraps, full, paint protection,

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電話:0952896887 正宗 


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302新竹縣 竹北市 中華路125號
聯絡電話: (+886) 0952-896887

